Templates & Examples
Every EL partnership will be different depending on the format of the experience, your university partner and your own organization’s policies and procedures. The templates and examples available below can help give you a better sense of what kinds of paperwork your partnership may entail and help set yourself up for EL success.

- Example Partnership and Student Agreements from the Centre for Emerging Artists and Designers at OCAD University.
- Sample offer letter and welcome letters for interns, co-op students and work placement students.
- Sample job postings for EL opportunities from York University’s Experience Hub.
- EL Opportunity Description Guidelines developed by the University of Guelph.
- Intern On-Boarding Checklist developed by the Experiential Learning Hub at Queen’s University.
- A Health and Safety Checklist developed for practicums and work placements from YU Experience Hub.
- A Confidentiality Agreement template for students engaged in EL opportunities.
- An example of a Student and Partner Declaration for Workplace Safety Insurance Board (WSIB) coverage for students engaged in EL from York University.
- Note: Please see the Liability, Insurance and Risk Management section of the Legal and HR Guide to understand which forms of EL are eligible for WSIB coverage through the Ministry of Training, Colleges and Universities.