What is on-boarding?
Successful EL partnerships happen when students feel fully integrated into their work environment. On-boarding students helps them understand your organization’s day-to-day operations and work culture, get familiarized with it’s policies and procedures, and gain a sense of camaraderie with your staff. Thorough on-boarding also helps set and align expectations, builds trust and allows students to ask any questions they might have about your organization, their role or the work they will be doing.

What are the benefits of on-boarding?
- On-boarding signals to students that support is available.
- It makes students feel comfortable asking questions and admitting mistakes.
- It boosts morale and increases student engagement and performance.
- It increases productivity by reinforcing the organization’s mission, culture and values.
How to on-board a student
Queen’s University has developed a helpful checklist for on-boarding new students.
For processes and procedures, use the Tell, Show, Do, Review approach to train students:
- Tell them what they will be doing and why.
- Show them how to do it.
- Have them do the work under supervision.
- Have them explain it to someone else to prove they can do it.